Stocks - All you need to know!

3 min. readlast update: 10.03.2024

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Stocks - ST

Stocks is one of the trading modes available on the Olymptrade platform.

In this mode, you trade instruments based on stock market shares. The price of the instrument is based on the price of the selected stock at the time of trading. 

Your profit or loss depends on the change in the stock price from the moment you buy the instrument until the moment you sell it. 

Minimum & Maximum Trade Amount 

The minimum amount is determined by the underlying stock's price. We offer a wide selection of stocks from different companies so that you can choose the best one for you!


The maximum number of units you can purchase for buy trades is limited by your available balance.

For sell trades, the limit is determined by the number of trade units you already have.

It's important to note that the availability of trade units for trading is not dependent on the quantity of underlying stock on the stock exchange. 


Opening a position

A 'position' represents the trade unit within Stocks mode and is associated with a specific stock.

The value of each position is equivalent to the current market price of the corresponding stock. Purchasing an instrument is referred to as 'opening a position' on that particular instrument. As long as you hold trading units, the position remains 'open.' 

📈Buying trade

📉Selling trade

Here's how to buy a Stocks position:

  1. Select your favorite asset from the 'Stocks' tab.
  2. Click 'Buy' and check the trading conditions in the trade window.
  3. Select the number of positions you wish to place.
  4. Click 'Buy' at the bottom of the trade window.

Here's how to sell a Stocks position: 

  1. Select the stock you wish to sell from your portfolio.
  2. Review the trading conditions in the opened trade window.
  3. Click 'Sell' and verify the final selling conditions.
  4. Click the 'Sell' button to complete the transaction. 

ST position profit calculation

Calculating the profits or losses of a sell trade is a simple process. Just follow these steps:

  • Find the difference in value between the current sell price and the average buy price of units in your position.
  • Multiply this difference by the number of trade units you are selling.

The result will be positive or negative, indicating your profit or loss from the sell trade.


More information about ST

Explore our educational resources to enhance your understanding of Stocks (ST): 

Learn the fundamentals of Forex with our comprehensive  trade guide here.   


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