Verification - Source of Funds

3 min. readlast update: 10.02.2024

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Source of funds verification

The verification of your source of funds can be requested when you attempt any financial transaction on the platform. However, there might be other factors, as described in our KYC Policy. 


❎ In some cases restrictions might apply until verification is completed.  

Our company follows anti-money laundering rules to ensure that all funds are legal. We request the verification of your source of funds, to  comply with international regulators and payment systems.


Verification documents

You can upload any of the following documents containing your full name, exact amounts of income/profit, and the issuing date of the document:

Property sale agreement

In there we should see: 

  • Your full name
  • Description of the property
  • Purchase price
  • The date on which the sale was completed

If you upload a property sale agreement, you should also send us a bank statement with the deposit or withdrawal transaction of the sale's funds. 

Here's an example: 


Loan Agreements

In there we should see: 

  • Your full name
  • Reason for the loan
  • Entoty/person granting the loan
  • Amount of the loan
  • The date on which the loan was granted

If you upload a loan agreement, you should also send us a bank statement with the deposit transaction of the funds. 

Here's an example: 


Documents proving share ownership

In there we should see: 

  • Your full name
  • Description of the share
  • Amount of shares
  • Price of each share 
  • The date on which the document was issued


Shares sale agreement

In there we should see: 

  • Your full name
  • Description of the shares
  • Purchase price
  • The date on which the sale was completed

If you upload a shares sale agreement, you should also send us a bank statement with the deposit or withdrawal transaction of the sale's funds. 

Here's an example: 


Yearly Bank Statement

In there we should see: 

  • Your full name
  • Bank account number 
  • Resulting balance after each transaction
  • All transactions for a one-year period

Here's an example: 


Income Statement

In there we should see the following: 

  • Your full name or Company name
  • Revenue
  • Gross Profit
  • Net Income
  • Issuing date

In case your name is not visible in the document, you should also upload an ownership or equity structure document (i.e. Certificate of Incorporation, Shareholder or Operating Agreement, Partnership Agreement, etc)

Here's an example: 


Tips & Tricks

🔍Upload documents with full information

The documents you upload should clearly show the exact amount of funds received as income or profit.

For example, when you upload a loan agreement, you should also upload proof of the loan's transfer to your bank account. 

🤝Supporting documents

If your document does not clearly indicate how the funds were invested in the platform, you can upload supporting documents.

For example, when you provide us with a yearly salary slip, you should also provide a bank statement where we can see the bank account to which your salary was credited. 

✍🏼Original documents

Please upload a photo or scan of your original documents without any physical or digital editions. 


Do you need more help to verify your source of funds? 

No worries! Contact our support team by clicking the  button below 👇


Contact Support



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