Deposit - Card P2P Azerbaijan

2 min. readlast update: 12.17.2024

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Deposit steps

Your deposit will be credited in just  24 hour. 

  • Go to this link and select Card P2P.
  • Choose your deposit amount. 
  • Fill in your Card P2P account number and full name. 
  • Complete your deposit from the following page.

Tips & Tricks

Make sure your OTP or 3DS is enabled. A one-time password is a code valid for only one transaction. Please contact your bank to ensure it is enabled for your account. 


If you have a bank PIN, keep it at hand. Most banks have a time limit for confirming a transaction with your PIN. 

Some banks may charge fees for certain types of transfers (e.g., international wire transfers) including double currency conversion (DCC) fees. 

Ensure you have enough funds in your account to cover your bank's fees. 

When transferring, ensure the exact amount is sent. Otherwise, your payment may not be identified.


Dealing with deposit errors

Most deposit errors are resolved by  waiting 15min before trying a new deposit  or perfoming basic troubleshooting. 

▶️If your bank requires you to manually enter the deposit data, double-check the transaction information provided on the payment page. 
▶️Be aware of any transaction limits imposed by your bank for deposits, especially if you're transferring large amounts. These limits can vary based on your account type. 
▶️Confirm with your bank if your account can be used for international transactions and online payments. 
▶️Poor or unstable internet connections can interrupt the transfer process, causing the transaction to fail. Ensure you have a stable and secure internet connection before attempting a transfer.
▶️If your transfer was declined or flagged, your bank might have security checks in place. Ensure you've completed any verification steps like two-factor authentication (2FA) or answering security questions.

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