Verification - Perfect Money

1 min. readlast update: 03.06.2024

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✨Verifying your Perfect Money wallet is very easy. Here's how to do it! 


  • You need to upload a screenshot showing your full name and e-wallet number should be visible. 
Additionally, the URL of the web page, the status of your account, and your registered email should be in the image. We highly recommend taking a full screenshot and not editing or cropping it. 
  • Here's an example of what it should look like: 


(Full size)

Please note that your Perfect Money account should be verified. To do so, please go to the "Settings" tab and select "Account Verification". There you will find the instructions to verify your wallet.

Remember to upload this screenshot in the verification section of your profile. You can use this link:

⏰Verification timeframe

Once you upload all your documents, the verification process can take from 24 hours up to 5 working days.

You will receive an email or SMS notification about your verification status. You can also track the verification status in your profile. 

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