Withdrawal - Mobile Money Egypt

1 min. readlast update: 03.25.2024

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When you deposit via Vodafone Cash, Etisalat or Orange Cash, your withdrawals will be processed through Mobile Money. You can also withdraw via Mobile Money after depositing with Fawry.  

📱Mobile Money Egypt

Mobile money in Egypt is a digital payment system that enables users to send, receive, and store money using their mobile devices. The service is provided by banks and telecom companies, and it allows users to transfer funds, pay bills, top up their mobile credit, and make online purchases.  

💰Withdrawal steps 

The minimum withdrawal amount is $15 or 500 EGP when you deposit with Vodafone, Etisalat or Orange Cash. The minimum withdrawal amount is $10 or 500 EGP when you deposit with Fawry
  • Go to our withdrawal page
  • Fill in the withdrawal amount and your phone number. 


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⏰Withdrawal timeframe

After you request your withdrawal in Olymp Trade, we will process your payment within 24 hours to 5 working days. 

It usually takes up to 3 working days to receive your funds in your wallet after the withdrawal is processed. Once you get your payment you will receive an SMS notification 


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