Verification - Third-Party Payment Method

2 min. readlast update: 03.06.2024

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✅Why do I need to verify a third-party payment method?  

During mandatory verification you might be requested to verify your payment methods. We always recommend our traders to deposit with their own payment methods. If you have deposited with a payment method that does not belong to you, you will have to verify it too!

You can read more about mandatory verification here.

📝The needed documents

 To verify a payment method that does not belong to you, the owner of the payment method has to upload:

Proof of identity 

You can upload your passport, national identity document (ID), or driving license to verify your identity. Your document should contain your name, date of birth, and photograph.

You can get useful tips to verify your identity document in this article. 

3D selfie

To upload your 3D selfie, position your face in the frame and move your head in a circle. You will find the instructions on the platform during verification. 

Check out this article for more information about how to take a 3D selfie.    

🤔 How can the owner upload the documents?

We will send an email with the instructions to verify this payment method. Please make sure the owner of the payment method uploads the documents required using the link provided in the email. 

💡 The owner of the payment method does not have to create an account in Olymp Trade. The link provided will allow you to access directly to the corresponding verification form. 

⏰Verification timeframe 

You can complete the verification process at any time. In some cases restrictions might apply after 14 days since the verification was requested. However, you will find the exact time you have to verify your account in the notification email.

Once you upload your documents the verification process can take from 24 hours up to 5 working days

You will receive an email or SMS notification about your verification status. You can also track the verification status in your profile.    

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